Alissa Podber (CTRS, ATRIC) has been practicing for 19 years, providing a wide range of activities and community based interventions to help develop social skills, cognitive skills, physical skills and behavioral skills, for daily living and community involvement.

Alissa works with the client and their family who have illnesses or disabling conditions to improve and maintain social, cognitive, physical,  and behavioral/emotional deficits incorporating specific personal leisure interests by providing Recreation and Aqua therapy in the commnity to achieve optimal health, wellness, and independence that transfers into their real life situation.

Outcomes include increasing basic fine and gross motor coordination, increasing attention span, long and short term memory, time management, following directions, problem solving, building self-confidence and self-esteem, decreasing depression, and anxiety, increasing social skills with peers and other people in the community.  Treatments may incorporate arts and crafts, animals, sports, water sports, games, dancing, music, movies, shopping and individualized community outings, fitness exercising. 


Austin Recreation and Aqua Therapy

Mission Statement

Provide activities to restore, rehabilitate, and remediate functioning and independence of individuals with cognitive, physical, social, and behavioral needs, with family education assistance.